About OtoFood Company

For thousands of years, the Mediterranean region has been famous for its great tasting cuisines.

At Otofood, we highly appreciate the taste of this food and we are determined to make it accessible to the rest of the world through ready-to-serve meals in our state of the art vending machines.

The Mediterranean cuisines are widely cooked using fresh and nutritious ingredients that are tasty and excellent for your health. We would like to give our customers the opportunity to experience a healthy, fresh & on-the-go food through serving methods that are appealing to their desires and conscious to the environment.

The meal packaging of Otofood is made of 98% recycled materials.

In a world that is characterized as a hot place while still longing for the beautiful past, many people, especially women seem just unable to cope with it, which compromise the traditional serving of Mediterranean meals. It is our promise to bring back the traditional way of cooking the Mediterranean food that is more convenient & accessible to people.

We would like to cater to all nationalities from all over the world to experience the real taste of Mediterranean food that Otofood will be accessibly serving in Syria, UAE and Turkey. We really want you to enjoy the experience to be part of the preparation of your Mediterranean food in an innovative yet simple way.


To become the world's leading supplier of delicious and healthy semi-prepared meals from traditional cuisines of the Mediterranean.


We believe that the keys to meet our food savvy customers’ expectation are through detailed research & development, high quality & tasty Mediterranean food, and good marketing efforts.


We value our customers’ taste and we stand for the best of their expectations.
We believe in maintaining a long-term relationship with our suppliers.
We provide our employees high quality and helpful trainings to ensure their capabilities and skills are advance.
The strong foundation to meet our customers’ ever changing tastes is from detailed research and development.
We care for the environment & we believe that the best tasting ingredients for our food should come be processed through environmental friendly methods.